Our Mission

Ricky’s Pride was formed in acknowledgment of the growing awareness within the Democratic Party that lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual people, and non-binary people (LGBTQIA+) should be fully and equally represented both in the community and in the nation.
It shall be the purpose of Ricky’s Pride to make the Democratic Party, the body politic and its’ elected officials, responsive to and responsible for the needs of all people, particularly, though not exclusively, the LGBTQIA+, feminist, people of color, members of the differently abled community, deaf and hard of hearing, and the intersectionality of these communities.
Ricky’s Pride seeks to eliminate discrimination based upon real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, age, and disability, while promoting freedom of choice and furthering
economic and social justice for all people.
Further, Ricky’s Pride shall seek to promote legislation in conjunction with our goals and to vigorously oppose legislation that oppresses and/or restricts basic human rights. We also encourage LGBTQIA+, feminists, people of color, members of the differently abled community, deaf and hard of hearing people to run for public office.
Ricky’s Pride believes that we have the responsibility to ourselves and to our society to affirm our role in the political arena. In pursuit of our goals, Ricky’s Pride will work within the Democratic Party and other institutions.
Why We Are Democrats?
We Democrats are the oldest political party in America and the youngest in spirit. We will remain so, because we enjoy the challenge of government. Time and again, for almost two centuries, the Democratic Party has made government work — to build and defend a nation, to encourage commerce, to educate our children, to promote equal opportunity, to advance science and industry, to support the arts and humanities, to restore the land, to develop and conserve our human and natural resources, to preserve and enhance our built environment, to relieve poverty, to explore space. We have reached difficult and vital goals.
We recognize that the capacity of government is limited but we regard democratic government as a force for good and a source of hope.
At the heart of our party lies a fundamental conviction that Americans must not only be free, but they must live in a fair society.
We believe it is the responsibility of government to help us achieve this fair society
• A society where all people can find jobs in a growing full-employment economy;
• A society where all workers are guaranteed without question the legal right to join unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively for decent wages and conditions of employment;
• A society where taxes are clearly based on ability to pay;
• A society where the equal rights of women are guaranteed in the Constitution;
• A society where the civil rights of minorities are fully secured and where no one is denied the opportunity for a better life;
• A society where both public and private discrimination based upon race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, philosophical persuasion or physical disability are condemned and where our government moves aggressively to end such discrimination through lawful means;
• A society where we recognize that the strengthening of the family and the protection of children are essential to the health of the nation;
• A society where a sound education, proper nutrition, quality medical care, affordable housing, safe streets and a healthy environment are possible for every citizen;
• A society where the livelihoods of our family farmers are as stable as the values they instill in the American character;
• A society where a strong national defense is a common effort, where promoting human rights is a basic value of our foreign policy, and where we ensure that future by ending the nuclear arms race.
This is our purpose & our promise.
Section 17 of The Charter & The Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, as amended by the Democratic National Committee, January 19th, 2002
Meet The PAC

[email protected]
Ricky’s local work has inspired the passing of historic non-discrimination ordinances throughout Montgomery County. He worked with Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services to create an LGBTQIA+ health link on the HHS website, founded the Montgomery County Qmunity Center, and co-founded the Montgomery County LGBT Business Council.
Ricky has assisted various political campaigns including races for borough council, State Senate, State Representative, county row offices, school boards, and presidential delegates. Most recently, he served as the Human Rights Campaign’s Field Manager for Bucks and Montgomery Counties for the 2020 presidential election. Ricky also serves on the Board of Directors for Montgomery County Community Colleges Foundation. Ricky holds a Bachelor of Professional Studies from LIM College in New York City and currently resides in Lansdale, PA with his precocious puppy, Greco.
Check out Ricky’s recent Family Portrait article in the Philadelphia Gay News here.

[email protected]
Richard (he/him/his) grew up in Bucks County, and after obtaining a graduate degree in anthropology, he lived in Spain for several years. After returning to Pennsylvania, Richard worked in refugee resettlement programs at Lutheran Children and Family Service. Richard and his wife Hong-Nhung met, were married at Trinity Lutheran Church, and started their family all in Lansdale. In 1991 they moved to Souderton, where they continued to raise their three children Elizabeth, Sarah, and Peter.

Yaniv Aronon- Mayor of Conshohocken
“Richard is a passionate advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. He is one of the hardest workers that I have ever met, a loyal friend and fierce organizer. He stands up for representation of minority communities and champions diversity through networking, major events, fundraising and trainings, among many other forms of advocacy.”

Ricky’s Pride PAC
[email protected]
For donation inquiries or to send checks, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you for your support.
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